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U JI Aziji postoji LETEĆA zmija (Paradise Tree Snake- Chrysopelea paradisi). Leti tako da se popne na drvo, spljošti cijelo svoje tijelo (kao kobra svoj vrat- raširi rebra) i odrazi se. Zato ju je teško uloviti. Leti brzinom od 32 km/h. In SI Asia lives a FLYING snake (Paradise Tree Snake- Chrysopelea paradisi). It flyes by climbing up a tree and flattens its entire body (just like a cobra flattens its neck- spreads its ribbs)) and it takes off. That makes it difficult to catch. It can reach a speed of 32 km/h.
Najbrža kopnena zmija je crna mamba (Black Mamba- Dendroaspis polylepis; Afrika). Gmiže brzinom od 19 km/h. The fastest land snake is the Black Mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis), in Africa. It can slither at speeds of 19 km/h.
Najbrže grizu  zmije otrovnice crna mamba i  siktavica (Puff Adder- Bitis arietans). Grizu brzinom od 7 m/s. The fastest bitting snakes are the Puff Adder (Bitis arietans) and the Black Mamba. They bite at speeds of 7 m/s.
Crna mamba je jedna od rijetkih zmija koje će gristi nekoliko puta za redom (do 7 puta!). Pri svakom ugrizu ispusti oko 20 kapljica otrova (2 su dovoljne da ubiju čovjeka!). Neki ljudi su mislili da ih je ugrizla 1X ili 2X, a ustvari je bilo i više. The Black Mamba is one of the few species that bite repeatedly (up to 7 times!). At every bite it releases arround 20 drops of venom (just 2 are enough to kill a human!). Some people thought they were bitten once or twice, but infact they were bitten more than that.
Najduža zmija na svijetu je mrežasti piton (Reticulated python; Australija)- 12 m, najteža zmija je zelena anakonda (Green Anaconda- Eunectus murinus; J Amerika, 10m, do 200 kg The largest snake in the world is the Reticulated Python in Australia- 12 m. The heaviest snake in the world is the Green Anaconda (Eunectus murinus) from South America- 10 m, 200 kg.
Najduža otrovnica je kraljevska kobra (hammadryad- Ophiophagus hannah; Azija)- 5.5 m, druga po dužini je crna mamba- 4.5 m. The longest venomous snake is the King Cobra (hammadryad- Ophiophagus hannah) in Asia- 5.5 m. The second one is the Blask Mamba- 4.5 m
Najsmrtnonsniji otrov ima tajpan (Taipan/Fierce Snake- Oxyuranus microlepidotus; Australija).

The snake with the deadliest venom is Australia's Inland Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus).

Otrovnica sa najdužim očnjacima je gabonska ljutica (Gaboon Viper; Afrika). Njegovi očnjaci mogu biti i 5.08 cm dugački (poskok samo 1 cm, riđovka do 4 mm). The venomous snake with the largest fangs is the Gaboon Viper in Africa. His fangs can be 5.08 cm long (the Nose-horned Viper has 1 cm long fangs, the Adder 0.4 cm)
Vjerojatno najviše ljudi ugrize ljutica pješćana efa (Carpet Viper/Saw-scaled Viper- Echis carinatus). Ona je rasprostranjena po čitavoj Africi i u Aziji do Indije. Zabilježeni su smrtni slučajevi od primjerka samo 20 cm velikih (naraste do 60 cm). Makar je ugriz pravilno liječen, smrt može nastupiti i 15 dana nakon ugriza zbog komplikacija. The snake that bites the most people in the world is probably the Carpet Viper (Saw-scaled Viper- Echis carinatus). It is distributed in all of Africa and in Asia to India. Deaths have been reported from individuals just 20 cm long (they grow to 60 cm). Even if the bite is treated properly, death can occur up to 25 days after the bite because of complications.
Zmije jamičarke mogu sa svojim termoreceptorskim rupicama (između nosa i oči) registrirati temperaturne razlike od 0.001*C. Pit Vipers can detect a temperature variation of just 0.001*C with their thermoreceptors (heat sensing pits- located between the nostrils and the eyes).
U Australiji se radi na proizvodnji univerzalnog protuotrova. Ako budu uspješni, više neće biti bitno koja vas je otrovnica ugrizla, jer će taj protuotrov djelovati na sve. Ovaj do sada što su ga napravili čak bolje djeluje na neke otrove otrovnica nego posebni (generični) protuotrov za njih. Za to sam čuo na televiziji, u epizodi jedne serije koja je snimljena 2002. godine. Nemam "friške" podatke o tome, makar sam se raspitivao. Scientists in Australia are researching the possibility of creating a universal antivenom for snakes. If they are to be succesfull, it won't matter any more which venomous snake bit you, because that antivenom will counteract all snake venoms. The "prototype" that they have works very good, even better than some generic antivenoms that are specific for 1 species. I heard about that on TV in a TV series that was filmed in 2002. I don't have any new info on the subject, even though I asked around.
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