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Susret sa zmijom

Snake encounter


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O meni

Što (ne)napraviti pri susretu sa zmijom:

1. NE paničariti! Panika je najgore što vam se može dogoditi u tom trenutku i može rezultirati ozlijedom zmije i/ili vas.

2. Ukipite se. Nemojte pomaknuti ni jedan miši? a ako se morate pomaknuti, onda BEZ NAGLIH POKRETA, samo polako. Ako imate fotoaparat pri ruci, pokušajte ju fotografirati.

3. Pogledajte zmiju. Probajte ju
identificirati (barem je li otrovnica ili neotrovnica). Pogledajte u kom se smjeru zmija kreće ili miruje.

4. Pogledajte oko sebe (da bi našli put kojim možete proći na sigurnoj udaljenosti od zmije i da ih ne bi bilo jo?oko vas).

5. Odaberite najsigurniji put kojim ćete proći na oko 2 m od zmije (minimum ako ne znate koja je zmija), ako vam teren to dopušta.

6. Polako se maknite od zmije.

7. Ako nemate drugog izbora nego proći ba?onuda gdje je zmija, onda uzmite ili štap (pa nježno dodirujte zmiju dok ne pobjegne) ili ju poškropite sa malo vode (to najbolje otjera poskoka).

What (not) to do when you encounter a snake:

1. DO NOT panick! That is the worst thing you can do in a situation like that and can result in injury of the snake and/or you.

2. Stand perfectly still. Do not move a muscle, but if you have to move, do it slowly and WITHOUT ANY SUDDEN MOVEMENTS. If you have a camera on hand, try to take photos of the snake.

3. Take a good look at the snake. Try to
identify it (at least if it's venomous or not). Look in what direction is the snake moving or if it standing still.

4. Look arround you (to find a path through which you can pass on a safe distance from the snake and that there may be more of them arround you).

5. Choose the safest path that wil take you at about 2 m distance from the snake (that is a minimum if you don't know what species of snake it is) if the terrain allows that.

6. Slowly move away from the snake.

7. If you don't have a choice and have to go were the snake is, then take a stick (and gently touch the snake until it moves away) or sprinkle it with a little water (that works best on Nose-horned Vipers).

List of Species



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