Zmije Hrvatske           Snakes of Croatia            

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  • NE PANIČARITI! Panika samo ubrzava rad srca te tako ubrzava širenje otrova po tijelu.

  • NE LOVITI zmiju koja vas je ugrizla! To najčešće završava dodatnim ugrizom.
  • Ugrižena osoba mora sjesti/leći, ne se micati i što manje govoriti te se probati smiriti. Ako za nekoliko minuta (do 30 min) se ne javi oticanje oko ugriza, ili zmija nije ispustila otrov (30% ugriza su suhi- nije pušten otrov) ili nije ugriz otrovnice. Ugrizi nekih neotrovnica znaju isto biti bolni, ali nikada jako ne oteknu.

  • Ugriženo mjesto se ne smije niti grijati niti hladiti. Grijanje širi žile i ubrzava proticanje otrova, a hlađenje usporava krvotok i otrov jače lokalno razara jer se duže zadrži na jednom mjestu.
  • Ako se ipak javi oticanje, ugriženo mjesto treba zavezati zavojem ili maramom (npr. od ugriženog kažiprsta do ramena), ali ne smije se stegnuti ni prejako (može uzrokovati gangrenu) ni preslabo (ništa ne pomaže). To je nestručnjaku teško odrediti, ali čuo sam podatak da bi se trebao moći nesmetano ugurati prst ispod zavoja, ali ne znam je li taj podatak 100% točan.
  • Neki ljudi sa sobom nose zmijski protuotrov. NIKADA GA NEMOJTE UBRIZGAVATI SAMI JER MOŽE DOĆI DO ALERGIJSKE REAKCIJE (anafilaktički šok), A ONDA STE MRTVI ZA NEKOLIKO SEKUNDI UMJESTO ZA NEKOLIKO SATI!!! Nikada se ne zna kada će netko biti alergičan na protuotrov, a u bolnici su uvijek spremni za tu mogućnost i mogu ju spriječiti. Ako je osoba ve? prije bila liječena za zmijski ugriz, to obavezno treba napomenuti liječniku jer ako prvi put osoba nije bila alergična, drugi put može biti. Osim toga, 1 vrsta protuotrova ne vrijedi za sve otrovnice.
  • Ne treba vas biti strah od zmijskog ugriza. Oni su vrlo rijetki i zmija se brani ugrizom samo kada se osjeti jako ugroženom i preplašenom.

Članak:"Zmije otrovnice Hrvatske", doc. dr. Z. Tadi?(Drvo Znanja br. 36)

Postoji jedna mala vakuumska pumpica, Aspivenin, koja služi za isisavanje otrova iz rane. Lagana je za uporabu, bezbolna i koristi se za sve od uboda kukaca do ugriza zmija. Može se nabaviti u Hospitaliji.

  •  DO NOT PANIC! Panic just increases your heart rate and that speeds up the spreading of the venom accross the body.
  • DO NOT CATCH the snake that bit you! That most often results in aditional bites.
  • The person who was bit must sit/lie down, move & talk as little as possible and try to calm down. If in a couple of minutes (up to 30 min) the swelling doesn't appear arround the bite site, either the snake hasn't injected venom (30% of the bites are "dry bites"- no venom involved) or you weren't bitten by a venomous snake. Some nonvenomous species' bites can also be painful but they don't swell up a lot.
  • The bite site mustn't be heated (it increases the spreading of the venom) nor cooled (stronger local damage)

  • If swelling does appear, the bite site should be tied with a bandage (i.e. from the bitten index finger to the shoulder), but it mustn't be tied too strong (can cause gangreen) or too loose (then it doesn't help). To a non-expert it can be very hard to determine, but I heard that you should be able to put your finger easily inside the bandage, but I don't know if that is 100% correct.

  • Some people carry with them snake antivenom. NEVER INJECT IT ON YOUR OWN BECAUSE YOU CAN HAVE AN ALERGIC REACTION (anafilactic shock), AND THEN YOU'RE DEAD IN A COUPLE OF SECONDS INSTEAD A COUPLE OF HOURS!!! You can never know if someone is alergic or not and in the hospital they have the means to counter that problem and they are ready for it. If a person has already been treated for snakebite, tell the doctor immediately, because if you haven't been alergic the first time, the second time you can already be alergic to the antivenom. Besides, one type of antivenom doesn't work for all venomous snakes.

  • You don't have to fear snakebites. They are rare and the snake defends itself by biting only if they feel very threatened and scared.

Article:"Zmije otrovnice Hrvatske", doc. dr. Z. Tadi?(Drvo Znanja no. 36)

There is a small vacuum pump, Aspivenin, which is used to suck venom out of the wound. It is easy to use, painless and is used for everything from insect stings to snake bites. Can be bought in Hospitalija.

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